News & Blog
It’s Migratory Bird Season
October 8, 2014

Here in America’s fourth largest city, we get to experience the trans-Gulf migration of millions of songbirds, hawks, warblers, and countless other birds.
High-Five for Texas Native Plants
September 24, 2014

Many think that if you garden with native plants, you’ll lose the bright showy flowers and end up with a drab brown and green garden. This could not be further from the truth! Here in Texas we are lucky to have a host of amazing, colorful native plants to choose from like the purple Liatris, Prairie Agalinis, Sunflower, Beautyberry, and Eastern Baccharis.
HAWK WALK – A Night to Remember
September 8, 2014

Participants to the Arboretum’s HAWK WALK had a night to remember this past Saturday. Upon arrival guest made their way to the meadow about a quarter mile from the main entrance. This time of year the meadow is truly spectacular…