Written by Kelsey Low

Welcome wildlife to your backyard! There are lots of ways to make your yard, flower bed, or patio into a wildlife-friendly haven. Animals need three basic things to thrive: food, water, and shelter. You can grow native flowers to provide food for pollinators, set out a bird bath to give water to thirsty animals, or decorate a half-buried flower pot to make a toad abode.
The options are endless, but here’s a list of our favorite ways to help wildlife. How many can you accomplish this Earth Month? Tag us in your photos on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter so we can see your progress!

- Build a Mason Bee House
- Build a Toad Abode
- Build a Butterfly Puddler or Bird Bath
- Plant native plants, including bird-friendly plants and butterfly host plants (Pro Tip: you can find both at our Spring Native Plant Sale).
- Build a Bird House
- Build a Bat House